A Message from MIET AFRICA

A Message from MIET AFRICA

As we reflect on a very difficult year, we wish to take this opportunity to thank our funders, partners and friends for your continued and consistent support.

Despite all the challenges that 2020 brought, MIET AFRICA delivered on its mandate. Our commitment never wavered, and as we approach a new year, we will never give up on our goal of improving the lives of children and youth. We could never have done this without your valued assistance. Thank you.

We look forward to continuing our work together in 2021!

World Aids Day 2020 – Colliding Pandemics of HIV and COVID-19

World Aids Day 2020 – Colliding Pandemics of HIV and COVID-19

According to UNAIDS, every week, around 5500 young women aged 15–24 years become infected with HIV, and when girls complete secondary school, their risk of getting HIV is reduced by 50%. MIET AFRICA, through its Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Programme, this year has tested over 28 000 AGYW and has linked over 80% of those who tested, to care and support.

HIV treatment has averted around 12.1 million AIDS-related deaths since 2010 (UNAIDS, 2020). MIET AFRICA as the implementing partner in the AGYW Programme, and offers support services such as mobile testing trucks, access to counselors and nurses in three provinces in South Africa. But not everyone who needs treatment has access to it and hundreds of thousands of people are still dying.

This year’s World Aids Day theme is “Global solidarity, shared responsibility”. The world’s attention this year has been focused on the COVID-19 pandemic which shows,