MIET AFRICA requires a service provider to implement and manage a Billboard and Taxi Branding Campaign, ending 31 March 2022, for our Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Programme in Nelson Mandela Bay. Please direct all queries to, and submit quotations to leanne@miet.co.za by 5pm on Friday, 3 September 2021. Click here for more information and to submit a quotation.
Review of the National Educational Ecosystems in Four FutureLife-Now! Member States
MIET AFRICA conducted a review of the national educational ecosystems in four FutureLife-Now! Member States as measured against the CSTL Policy Framework and CYAF. These resultant learning briefs provide an overview of the strengths and gaps in each Member State, related to mainstreaming care and support and provides recommendations for strengthening the policy environment to mandate, enable and support the development of all schools as Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) coordinating hubs.
Regional Meetings Presentations Now Available for Download
Presentations from the recent Regional CSTL Technical Committee Meeting and FutureLife-Now! Regional Task Team Meeting are available for download. Click here for access.
FutureLife-Now! Newsletter Out Now!
Read how Mwembeshi Boarding Secondary in Zambia is a role model for all schools in Zambia in terms of its agricultural production unit, improved linkages between Lesotho’s 10 FutureLife-Now! schools and their nearby health facilities, school climate change initiatives and research on the impact of COVID-19 on young people all in the latest edition of FutureLife-Now! News, now also in French and Portuguese! To subscribe to this quarterly newsletter, mail bashni@miet.co.za.
Read the full edition here.
Terms of Reference for Procurement of External Audit || Service for the Period 2021
MIET AFRICA seeks to procure the services of a suitably qualified and experienced auditing firm for its External Audit for the service period 2021. Whilst the Terms of Reference (ToR) are for the 2021 year, the Trust’s Audit and Risk Committee has the authority to recommend the appointment, on a year to year basis, for a maximum period of five years. All queries and quotes to be directed to Matthew Fortuin on matthew@miet.co.za Closing dates for submission is 31 August 2021. Click here to read the full ToR and to submit.
Report Launched! | The Impact of Covid-19 on Young People and Adolescents in the SADC Region
The impact of COVID-19 will have an irreversible effect on progress that has been made if governments do not redouble their efforts and move forward with ever greater commitment to adolescent wellbeing. What is needed – now more than ever – is greater economic investment and infrastructure development in health, education, technology and protection while ensuring the involvement of young people in the policy discourse.
This is the outcome of an exploratory study undertaken by MIET AFRICA and the Human Science Research Council (HSRC), the report of which was recently launched.
Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, some progress had been made in improving adolescents and young peoples’ lives, although economic inequalities meant that the benefits had not been enjoyed by all young people. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has not only exacerbated challenges experienced by the most vulnerable but has made every young person vulnerable.
We are Keen to Go Green! | Zimbabwe’s Murape Learners Put Their Backs Into Greening Their School and Community
Youth participation in community development is one of the most effective ways to promote young people’s active engagement in sustainable development. Murape Secondary School is showing that this is so, especially when it comes to climate change.
Although young people should be responsible for shaping their future as leaders of tomorrow, in many communities their participation is often limited to their labour contribution, and ignores the importance of their participation in decision-making, choices, and management.
The situation is very different at Murape Secondary School, one of the 10 FutureLife-Now! pilot schools, located in Seke District, Mashonaland, East Province, Zimbabwe. The school started a club called “The Climate Change Movers”. This club is working to empower its members to not only take decisions but to act on these. These young people work closely with the community to address issues they have learnt about and that they can see affecting their communities.
Boys Cry Too | Boys Vulnerability Dialogues in Malawi Reveal that Boys Need Feminism
What do boys and young men need? The best way to find out is to ask them!
This is precisely what happened at the boys’ vulnerability dialogue sessions at Ngowe and Natola Community Day Secondary schools in Malawi, on 22 and 25 June, 2021.
The sessions were organised by the FutureLife-Now! programme in its quest to include young boys and men in programmes in an attempt to address the impact of gender disparities in society.
“There is an urgent need to strengthen the engagement of boys and young men concerning the support for gender equality and female empowerment, as well as to address their own specific social, emotional, and developmental needs,” said Croxley Nkhoma, Malawi’s FutureLife-Now! Country Manager, “Yet, despite a growing awareness among SADC Member States for the need to involve and support boys, the reality is that they are seldom targeted. It is imperative that we accelerate action towards SDG goal 5 –
Learners Linked to Health Care | Futurelife-Now! Lesotho Develops Referral System to Strengthen Schools and Health Facilities Linkages
Three days of intensive interactions has significantly strengthened the linkages between Lesotho’s 10 FutureLife-Now! schools and their nearby health facilities.
FutureLife-Now! Country Manager, Rantsane Kuleile, said that the main purpose of the development of a referral system was to ensure leaners in all 10 schools were aware and able to access care in supportive, friendly health facilities.
“This is in line with one of the FutureLife-Now! programme’s objectives, which is to increase access to youth-friendly HIV, sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) and ART adherence support and services, using a school-based delivery model.”
The FutureLife-Now! team’s three-day workshop with health professionals in Lesotho was a first important step towards strengthening linkages between health and education in all 10 schools.
When welcoming participants to the workshop, Kuleile asked everyone to be as open and interactive as possible. “We hope to come out of the three days with a working document for Lesotho,
Zambian Futurelife-Now! School a “Role Model” | Mwembeshi Secondary School Production Unit Lauded by Ministry of Education
Mwembeshi Boarding Secondary school is a role model for all schools in Zambia in terms of its agricultural production unit.
That is according to Dr. Jobbicks Kalumba, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of General Education, who toured the school last month and stated that other schools should emulate Mwembeshi and take guidance from the school because it is performing so well.
Mwembeshi, one of the FutureLife-Now! schools in Zambia, is located in the rural area of Chilanga district in Lusaka province, 38km west of Lusaka city. It began an agricultural production unit in 2015 and the unit has achieved far more than its original aim which was to “feed the learners”.
At the outset the school produced only cabbage, but has grown and improved in leaps and bounds and today utilises about six hectares of land to grow crops on a rotation basis, (currently,