FutureLife-Now! Newsletter: Edition 3 2021
Welcome to the third in a series of FutureLife-Now! newsletters, designed to share information, good practices and lessons learnt related to the education, health and development of young people in the SADC Region. Whether you are a young person, a teacher, a health worker, a parent or caregiver, or policy maker, we hope that you will find this enjoyable and useful reading.
Click here to download a PDF version of the Newsletter
To subscribe to the FutureLife -Now! quarterly newsletter email bashni@miet.co.za
Champion Change Agents! | Youth Facilitators a Success in Malawi’s FutureLife-Now! Programme
“I look at the learners I work with as brothers and sisters. In the end they trust me with their day-to-day ideas and challenges,” says Precious Kasangu, a youth facilitator based at Mponera Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) in Dowa district. The school is one of 10 pilot schools participating in the FutureLife-Now! Programme. To ensure that pertinent issues facing young people in schools are comprehensively addressed, the programme enlisted 10 youth facilitators to work with the pilot schools and form a link between learners on the one side, and educators, healthcare providers and parents on the other. Kasangu is …Light at the End of the Tunnel for FutureLife-Now! Zimbabwe Schools
“But without darkness we would never know the warmth of light. Actually, I see light at the end of the tunnel.” These are the words of Wadzanai High School teacher, Rati Kanye, referring to the installation of solar power at the administration block of her school. Through the FutureLife-Now! Programme, solar systems were installed in 10 pilot schools in four different provinces in Zimbabwe, which included Wadzanai High. The systems bring power to the schools’ admin blocks and will be instrumental in supporting e-learning, as the world shifts in that direction, especially in the time of coronavirus. Despite the unprecedented …Sanitation Brings Safety to Zambian School
While 2020 was a challenging year for people across the world because of the coronavirus, for the Lusitu Secondary School in Zambia, it was a year that also brought hope and change. Thanks to the Future Life-Now! Programme, and with support from MIET AFRICA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), a range of resources to fight the pandemic were channelled to the school. The school was extremely grateful for all the help but what excited everyone the most was the improved sanitation through the installation of showers and taps. “These have really changed the lives of our female …Talking the Talk | Radio Programmes Spread the FutureLife-Now! Message
In April 2020, MIET AFRICA realized that school closures, travel restrictions and other challenges linked to the COVID-19 pandemic were making it impossible to continue its FutureLife-Now! programmes in Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe as they were originally planned. MIET AFRICA also realized that the pandemic was creating a major challenge for countries: How to get practical, accessible and factually accurate information about coping with COVID-19 out to the public. One solution was to use radio, with linked SMS messaging, to reach schools and other audiences across each of the countries. The venture into radio started with 20 weekly programmes …Through the Eyes of Learners and Teachers | The Impact of the FutureLife- Now! COVID-19 Emergency Programme on Lesotho
In 2020 countries around the world grappled with whether to open schools, and how to open them safely in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. After Lesotho’s lockdown was over, the question of school re-opening was not as simple as setting a date and picking up from where things left off. The path to reopening schools would take planning, preparation, and commitment. Many learners and teachers were faced with different challenges as a result of lockdown-related school closures. Thato Tlalinyane, a learner from Mampota High School explained: “Many young girls got pregnant and were not able to go back to …