MIET AFRICA has been developing and facilitating skills development programmes since its inception more than 20 years ago. Our deep understanding and experience of the southern African education landscape, and in particular of rural contexts, means that our facilitators are well versed in the challenges facing education institutions, schools and districts and well qualified to address the needs of lecturers, teachers, youth, students, learners and the broader school constituencies.

Audience groups

We facilitate programmes for diverse audience groups:

  • Learners and youth of all grades and ages
  • Parents and caregivers (all literacy levels and languages)
  • Teachers and lecturers
  • Institutional management teams, governing bodies, support teams and learner representative groups
  • Officials at circuit, district, provincial, national and regional level
  • Community and youth groups

Facilitation approach

MIET AFRICA employs a learner-centred, participatory and interactive approach to facilitation. Delivery methods are tailored, considering all requirements relevant to ensuring successful programme delivery for specific audiences. Examples are: time, language, culture, literacy levels, diverse learning styles, varied delivery styles, environment, support resources and assessment requirements. Post-training participant mentoring and on-site support is offered if required.

Quality assurance

ETDP SETA Accreditation Number: ETDP10809

As an ETDP SETA–accredited training provider, MIET AFRICA’s facilitation work is quality assured through our documented Quality Management System, covering all aspects of our operations to guarantee high quality standards and professional service provision. Regular system audits and reviews ensure that policies and procedures remain relevant, appropriate, responsive to need and compliant with changes in the regulatory environment.

Qualified facilitators

Our experienced team of facilitators are either qualified educators and/or have qualifications in adult education, dialoguing, mentoring, facilitation, assessment and moderation.

Requirements for facilitator, assessor and moderator recruitment, appointment, professional conduct, continued professional development and performance management are documented and shared with staff. MIET AFRICA’s Code of Conduct for all staff ensures that: professionalism is displayed at all times; correct procedures and protocols are followed for arranging meetings, training or site-visits to schools or districts; consent is sought for photo, interview and focus group authorization; government, departmental and client policies are complied with; participant communities are safeguarded from unethical practices.

Learning programme planning, preparation, assessment and evaluation

 The following procedures guide our learning programme planning, preparation, delivery, assessment and evaluation.

  • Risk identification and management
  • Resource allocation planning (addressing delivery schedules, communication, venues, accessibility, transport, catering, facilitator and participant equipment and materials)
  • Training materials
    All training programmes are delivered using user-friendly and interactive facilitator and participant support material, including facilitator guides, participant workbooks and assessment procedures.
  • Assessment processes and procedures
    MIET AFRICA commits to fair, valid, reliable, flexible and appropriate assessment procedures, including informative and developmentally-oriented feedback and ongoing learner support.
  • Course evaluation
    MIET AFRICA continuously monitors its training approaches to ensure that appropriate methods for specific skills, knowledge, value and attitude learning outcomes. In- and post-course evaluation is used to improve delivery.

Cost structure and timeframes

As delivery mechanisms and schedules are customized to need, costs and timeframes are determined on a course-by-course basis upon request. For example:

  • Delivery could take the form of one longer workshop or several shorter workshops, depending on participant availability.
  • Face-to-face workshops could include follow-up site-based and mentoring support, depending on the amount of additional support needed by participants in order to entrench learning.
  • The number of facilitators required is determined by the number of participants and the complexity of the training programme.

Training programmes

MIET AFRICA develops needs-based training programmes targeted at particular audience groups. Interventions are conceptualized together with partners, in response to identified needs. Targeted training, tailored to the audience group, is then developed collaboratively with partners, in support of the intervention and its goals.

As the need for accredited and endorsed courses has grown, we have responded by gaining accreditation as an organization, and certification for courses on a course-by-course basis as required.

ETDP-SETA accredited courses

  • National Certificate Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices, Qualification number 50334, 121 credits
  • A number of unit standards form part of this qualificaiton. They can be offered individually or as a complete qualification.

SACE endorsed programmes

  • Your inclusive school: a course for School Management Teams (15 PDP)
    See course outline
  • Capacity-Building for School Management: focus on Principals and Deputy Principals (40 PDP)
    See course outline
  • Introduction to counselling concepts for educators (15 PDP)
    See course outline
  • Working with the Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) for Educators (15 PDP)
    See course outline

Other training programmes

All training programmes include clear learning outcomes, assessment tasks and competence requirements. Based on demand, MIET AFRICA’s many existing training programmes are submitted for endorsement.

Course outlines
View samples: