On 7 September 2015, the Uthukela District in KwaZulu-Natal embarked on a youth development programme for 18 to 35 year old unemployed persons, using the Education Centres as the venue for the delivery of MIET AFRICA’s Learn to Earn programme.
Interest in Learn to Earn as a programme for unemployed youth grew during its implementation at Lokothwayo Secondary School, one of the Inclusive Education in Action programme schools in Uthukela.
The Centre Managers of the four centres in the district have teamed up to deliver the first session at the Mimosadale
Education Centre, just south of Estcourt. They started with a group of 24 participants, all of whom have Grade 12 certificates and live in the rural community around the centre.
MIET AFRICA supplied programme materials and trained the Centre Manager facilitators in programme delivery.