Are you part of the school management of a South African school?  MIET AFRICA and NECT are assisting the Department of Basic Education in a rapid assessment of the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) programme in South Africa. Data from this rapid assessment will be shared at the CSTL National Conference at the end of November. We invite principals, deputy principals or chairpersons of school-based support teams to complete an online survey. The purpose of this survey is to find out from schools in South Africa how CSTL is being implemented in their schools and how schools have adapted under the COVID-19 conditions. The questionnaire focuses on the 10 pillars of CSTL, and the support structures and process that may be active at the school. Click here to access the survey.

Please take some time to participate in this important rapid assessment that will inform the Department of Basic Education and its non-governmental partners in how to better support schools in fulfilling their care and support mandate. Survey closes 12 November.

How is Care and Support for Teaching and Learning Being Implemented in South African Schools? |Take the Survey