Parents and SGB members listening intently at an advocacy meeting held at Lokothwayo Combined School
Parents and SGB members listening intently at an advocacy meeting held at Lokothwayo Combined School

Learners in KZN are confronted with many barriers to learning that result in many children being excluded from quality education. The goal of our new project is to strengthen the KZNDoE’s Inclusive Education Strategy by piloting three levels of support provisioning in the three different types of schools: a mainstream school, a full service school and the Special School as Resource Centre (which provide low, moderate and high levels of support, respectively).

In particular, we will look at how the three types of school function in support of one another, but with a special focus on the Special School as Resource Centre.

We have already completed school level advocacy and training on the baseline tools at the three pilot schools, as well as advocacy with parents and the community.

Schools and communities are excited about participating in the project as it will contribute to improved access, retention and achievement of all learners. What is also exciting is that the project is part of a of a five-country collaborative research initiative across three continents. The other participating countries are Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ghana and India.

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